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Receiving energetic upgrades and healing

Updated: Jun 15, 2022

When we are on a journey of wanting to expand and become more consciously aware of ourselves - what’s really important to know is that we need to be ready and willing to receive the healing, upgrades and new templates as we step into higher version of ourselves.

Healing doesn’t have to take years, decades or even lifetimes. You can heal yourself here in this now moment from traumas, past lives and ancestral patterns. You can also heal for the collective as well. The issue that we all face is that, when we are receiving energetic upgrades or going through a process of healing, is often our physical body, this physical manifestation of our consciousness in this 3D reality, is not ready to receive it.

My guidance for you as you continue on your healing, self-discovery and transformation journey is that it’s so incredibly important to take care of your energy every single day.

You wouldn’t let your house go a month without cleaning it, right? You start to feel it, it feels yuk doesn't it? So why do we let our energy become messy?

I want you to use this same analogy with your own energy. If you cleared your energy every single day, you wouldn’t need to go through those big….argh I feel so yuk…argh I feel so crap moments when you experience a healing or an upgrade to your energy. You wouldn’t need to go through those long periods of integration because you are clearing your energy every day. When you clear your energy everyday, you keep your vibration at a certain level, so it's much easier to accept the uplevel. And when I say clearing, there is lots of different ways that you can do this.

You can do this though breath practices which one of the most powerful ways to shift your vibration. It is an energy clearing practice in and of itself. It is also brings fresh life force energy into your body to code and oxygenating your DNA and your cells, making you feel more vibrant.

Meditation is also a good practice to be doing every single day. When you meditate you get into your body. You can actually start to sense how you are feeling and become more acutely aware of where you might be feeling resistance. And you can only do that by shifting your awareness internally. I know that some people say “oh I don't have time to meditate”, it really doesn’t have to take up too much time. You can sit in meditation for 5 or 10 minutes, and then eventually that just grows and you want to be in it longer. You just want to be with yourself because that is all that really matters.

You are here as a sovereign being, nothing external in your reality matters. Your job is to know and understand what is going on WITHIN you. That is the most important thing, because everything that goes on internally for you, then goes on to become a mirror for what you see externally. Trying to change things externally to you without changing things internally will not shift your reality or what you are experiencing.

It's just not how it works. The quantum field works from your microcosm which is your internal reality. So if you want to shift what you are experiencing externally, you must work on shifting what you experience internally.

Physical movement is also really important. You don’t have to do a full one hour yoga practice or gym class. You can simply just turn on some music, and shake your body, or just dance. Move your body in a way that makes you feel good. Moving out the kinks as you feel the physical tension within your body. If you can start moving intuitively, you will be able to shift those things out of your physical body.

The more that you do these daily practices, the more powerful your vibration becomes and the more that you can shift your reality. You will also be able to integrate things like healing and energetic upgrades faster because your energy is constantly being cleared to receive new things. So, everything is not banking up in your system.

You can also read my previous blog on 'My journey to creating a high vibrational life' for more inspiration.

Life does not have to be difficult, but we have just been programmed to make it more difficult for ourselves. Often, the ego mind likes to jumps in to keep us safe and prevents us from doing the things that best support our highest good. Because it likes to keep us in this pattern of familiarity.

Keeping your energy clear every day can feel like a bit of a 'task' in the beginning. You don’t want to be doing it every day because it takes too long or you get distracted or you have other more important things in life to be doing. But eventually, it will just become like second nature.

When you step into the uncertain world of beginning to take care of yourself on a much deeper level, I promise you, your healing and energetic upgrades move through you faster. And you shift yourself into higher vibrations, into higher timelines of yourself and even into new templates at a much more rapid pace.

In the quantum field there are an infinite number of possibilities available to you. Only you and your mind limit you around what you think you able to receive here in this life and what you think you are capable of. It only exists because you make it exist, you make it real. But really, in the quantum field, there are infinite templates that you could step in too. There are always ways that you can change yourself. Nothing is set and nothing is fixed in the energy world.

Everything is always changing. Everything that you want to create for yourself in your life already exists.

So, I invite you today as you read this blog to think about your own personal energetic frequency every day, and what can you do to start to really shift your vibration. I also encourage you, if you haven’t already, to start on your healing journey either through own self-reiki healing practice or any other healing modality.

Open yourself up to receiving the learnings that come from the healing and transformation. Make it your mission to understand your blocks, distortions and traumas so that you can work to shift yourself.

I also invite you to think about your next level of expansion, where you want to go to in your life and what is it going to take to get there. Begin to start working with yourself if you are already a practitioner or perhaps work with somebody else who understands this level of quantum work that can help you see and identify the distortions that might be in your way.

You CAN get to that next version of yourself. Remember that version of you, that you desire, that you dream, that you want to step into, is already there. The work that is involved to get there can happen for you. It doesn’t need to take years, but you have start this work NOW. Maintain your energy so that your nervous system is able to support your shifts into higher vibrations.

If you are ready to step into your next level of expansion, learn how to work with your intuition, call back your multi-dimensional wisdom, remember how to work with energy systems and illuminate your gifts to step into the highest version of yourself - please check out Expansion Warriors, a 4 month training and mentoring program.

Waitlist for the next intake is now open.

Take care and sending your lights of love.



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