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My journey towards creating a high vibrational life

Updated: Feb 19, 2022

Five years ago, it was like I woke up from being asleep. I had been operating unconsciously in so many areas of my life for such a long time. What I ate, how I took care of myself, how I showed up in the world… I was mostly running on old programming.

I would push myself to burn out, then either get sick or fall in a heap on holidays to heal myself. I would eat and drink things that didn’t make me feel good. I would go on fad diets or exercise regimes, and then stop. Sleeping was a nightmare, I never felt fully rested. I said ‘yes’ to everything and kept myself busy all the time.

I would literally just run-on adrenalin most days, until I crashed. My anxiety was always an issue, and it was often difficult to manage. The best way I found to deal with everything when I was at breaking point, was to run to my acupuncturist or some other therapist as a quick band-aid solution to deal with it. And then I would just continue in the same way, doing the same things.

My health and wellbeing felt like a bit of a roller coaster. And I got away with it for years. Until I hit my early 30’s, and things started catching up with me. Hang overs were getting harder to get over. Certain foods would make me feel sluggish or even cause heart palpitations. On a bad day, I would feel irritated, snappy, moody and emotions were hard to manage.

At the time, I was at the peak of my career, owned my own home, had a cute dog, and had travelled many countries. So, life wasn’t all that bad. But when you are constantly feeling sad, tired, emotional, and feeling really lack-luster… you just know something is wrong.

Thank goodness an email dropped into my inbox at work one day, that announced the opening of a yoga studio right across the road (divinely conspired, some would say). For those of you who know me, yoga has been part of my life since my early teens. It’s always been something that I have ‘tapped-in-and-out’ of.

From the moment that I stepped into that new yoga studio, yoga became a solid part of my life, and I couldn’t get enough of it. My body and mind were just loving it. How could something so simple, feel so good!

It wasn’t long before I booked in to attend my first yoga retreat in Bali.

Interestingly, it was a fully vegan menu throughout the retreat – which for me at the time, being a HUGE meat eater, was a real struggle. Meat meant so much to me, that I even considered asking the retreat organiser to include meat in the menu!

But something magical happened on that retreat… I was able to disconnect from some of my old programs (particularly eating meat and drinking alcohol) and I just let myself embrace all aspects of the retreat.

When I did that, I started to notice that my body was communicating with me. The intensity of our yoga sessions and the healthy vegan diet brought up things like nausea, headaches, emotions. But I knew that there was some kind of purging happening. Everything that was deep within me, was now making its way to the surface.

After returning from the retreat, I was on cloud nine for about a week and then I could feel myself slipping back again into my old patterns. But this time, I wasn’t going to let it happen again.

Something within me wanted to learn more, to experience more… so I decided to become a yoga teacher. How I felt after that retreat wasn’t because of some ‘woo-woo’ magic. It was because I was taking care of and listening to my body, and I wanted more of that in my life.

Well, I dove hard into the yogic path. I started listening to my body like never before. My conscious mind just opened up to everything that I consumed where I could feel a vibrational shift – either higher or lower.

My diet began to change, and I started to become more conscious of what I was consuming. When I gave up eating meat my body thanked me immediately. The heart palpitations stopped and suddenly I was sleeping like a baby throughout the night!

When emotions started coming to the surface, I learned to acknowledge them, listen to what they wanted to say, thank them for showing me what needed to be shown and then make a choice to feel differently. My anxiety was becoming almost non-existent.

I hadn’t realised that my wonderful body had been communicating to me for so many years, and I just wasn’t listening. The more aware I became of sensations and feelings with my body, the more I knew what I needed or didn’t need. And I’m so grateful to my yoga practice for being the bridge of awareness for that.

A few years later, my yoga journey got even deeper. I embarked on a yearlong sadhana (daily practice) working with some of the most powerful Kundalini Kriya (clearing/action), Pranayama (breath) and Meditation practices.

To say that this year long sadhana was life changing is probably an understatement. The transformational shifts that took place in that year propelled me into a whole other realm. These practices lit up my whole body. It showed every shadow and dark crevice that was deep within me.

The thing about a daily practice is that - it’s just you. On your own. With your practice. There is no one to guide you. There is no one to ‘hold space’ for you. You are there for yourself. You basically have no choice but to just be with yourself fully. With all the feels. With all the emotions. With all the highs and the lows.

My meditation practice at the beginning of the year started at barely 5 minutes – with me watching the clock the whole time – to where I am today which is sometimes for over an hour at a time and usually twice a day.

Throughout the year, I developed a really refined sense of deep inner knowing and listening to what I needed was becoming so simple. The thing is, when you sit with yourself long enough, you can hear your intuition. It’s right there in all of us, but many of us just aren’t quiet long enough to hear it.

At the very end of my year long sadhana, without notice and without warning – I woke up one day and took my last alcoholic drink. And then a few months later, I drank my last caffeinated coffee.

The more I kept working on my own personal vibration – through what I consumed and through my personal daily practices – the more I was being shown the path of where I was meant to be.

So many life shifts began to take place as my energy was shifting. Things that no longer aligned with me, fell away – and I became drawn to energy healing. I suddenly wanted to know everything about how the universe worked, quantum physics and energy.

When I started studying to become an energy healer through Reiki, I immediately felt the connection to it and began remembering how to activate my soul gifts. My energetic vibration became so important because I would be using it to help others heal.

Now each time I feel called to step up another level in my vibration, something shifts in or out of my life, and my energy gets stronger. My intuition gets clearer. My channelling becomes easier. And then new memories and soul gifts activate.

I do this through regular personal energy work, daily meditation and breath practice, diet, resting, bringing more joy into my life, and listening into what it is that I need each day.

My body is constantly shifting and changing to embody new frequencies – which now includes no consumption of animal products at all, only eating raw foods and juices and fasting for periods of time. My meditations are now moving into deep transcendental visualisations, channelled messages and guidance, and my energy healings feel so much more potent.

My awareness has also shifted away from watching TV and into reading books, learning, playing with my new soul gifts, and engaging with beautiful souls who keep coming into my life. I also include more time for fun, pleasure, play and rest to bring joy into every moment of my life.

Also along the way, I have become much more aware of everything that I consume including recycling, reusing and reducing my footprint here on earth. I have eliminated the use of chemicals – face & body, cleaning etc – and have become more conscious of who and where I buy my products from to ensure that they are ethical, sustainable, organic, and environmentally friendly. I even grow my own veggies and compost!

When I look back at this amazing journey that I’ve been on so far, it’s so fascinating to see that every time I get closer to myself, listen in, and act accordingly, my vibrational frequency shifts.

It has brought me to my purpose of becoming a yoga teacher, quantum coach and multi-dimensional healer. It has taught me how to create space so that I could open-up my energy healing, channelling, and psychic abilities, begin speaking light languages and writing light codes, connecting with my guides and other star races… and who knows what else in the future!

Little did I know that I have been unconsciously preparing my vessel this whole time to be in this new energetic frequency for a purpose.

And I know that I am not the only one who is being called to do this.

I share this story with you in the hopes to inspire you to explore your own journey to a high vibrational life, whatever that looks like for you.

This is my story, and yours will be very different.

Some of my suggestions for how you can begin (or continue) to create a higher vibrational life are:

  • Get into your body, however that looks like for you, with physical movement, yoga postures, dancing, or exercise

  • Sit with yourself every day, whether it’s to meditate, breath or just to close your eyes and listen into yourself

  • Clear your energy as often as you need, through reiki, visualisations, journaling or other energy clearings techniques

  • Start to become more conscious of what you consume, including what you eat and drink, what you read / watch

  • Take notice how things make you feel, and rather than ignore the messages – listen in, receive the message, and do something with it

  • Be present and open your mind to learning and expanding your awareness

  • Find time every day to just rest and do nothing!

The most important thing is that by creating space to just be with yourself you will learn and explore what it is that you feel and sense, so that you can take action on what it is that you need to guide you towards the path to your true self.

Because you can’t hear the whispers of your soul unless you’re ready to listen.

Your body is the beautiful container where your soul resides so it’s so important to take care of it because it can support you in more ways than you could ever imagine.

And lastly, have fun! Life is not meant to be so serious or filled with so much busy-ness that we forget to enjoy everything.

Sending you love & light



PS. If you are feeling called to deepen your awareness of yourself, awaken your intuition and create your own high vibrational life, please join me on the next intake of the Awaken Your Soul Program. We start on 1st March - learn more HERE

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