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Everything you need to know about Reiki and Energy Healing

I first experienced reiki healing during an acupuncture session several years ago. As I was laying on the bed, I remember suddenly feeling sensation within my body as the practitioner moved her hands around my body – like she was charging me full of energy.

But it wasn’t an intense type of charge, the sensations were subtle. There was a warmth, a kindness, and a kind of loving energy that I could feel. I loved it so much that every time I went for acupuncture, I hoped that she would use reiki during the session because I always left feeling lighter and more at peace.

Feeling energy

I was lucky enough to grow up feeling and understanding energy from a young age. The power of what energy healing was able to do felt so familiar when I was able to reconnect with it many years a later.

When I began working as an energy practitioner, initially focusing on energy clearings and coaching, I noticed very early on that I could feel energy – which I later discovered are intuitive empath abilities.

I can sense and feel someone’s blocks and distortions within my own body, and the blocked energy shows itself in many ways. It might be a felt sensation, an emotion, a colour, there might also be a vision that comes through with it… it’s all unique depending on the person.

What is energy?

Everything is energy. It’s what governs our life. The physical world that we perceive through our five senses is just energy that is compressed and made dense enough to touch – which is what we call matter.

We are all just energy. 99.99999% of us is just empty space. We are only 0.00001% matter. Our human form is made-up of neutrons, protons, and electrons that come together to form atoms that then form molecules. Everything oscillates at a certain velocity which create a vibration or a frequency.

Energy is everything that you can see and touch, including your flesh and bones, but it also includes your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. This is all proven by Quantum Physics which is the study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level. It is scientifically proven that every cell in our body, every atom in the universe is in a constant state of vibration.

Interestingly, Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another. You cannot add to it, and you cannot take away from it – it is simply transformed or transmuted.

Until we know ourselves to be energy or spirit, we simply believe that we are the body and the mind. This single misperception of ourselves causes us untold suffering and is at the heart of every problem that we have. Stress, dysfunction, and disease are all biproducts of this misperception.

When we don’t identify with the energy that we actually are, we can’t feel our inherent wholeness and wellbeing.

This is what energy healing is all about. If we pay attention to our energy, we can re-tune the frequency to support our overall wellbeing.

What is reiki healing?

Reiki healing is a traditional healing system that restores the balance and flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and soul. This technique works directly with the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of wellbeing to help shift your vibrational frequency.

The word Reiki is made from two Japanese words called ‘Rei’ meaning ‘God’s wisdom’ and Ki meaning ‘energy’. In this type of healing, ‘Ki’ or universal life force energy is channelled into the body – that is the vibrational frequency of pure unconditional love.

Reiki works with 'entrainment' which is the synchronisation of two rhythmic cycles locked into phase so that they can vibrate into harmony. Entrainment happens all around us, all the time.

You may have noticed or experienced this before in your life. An example when a group of ladies hang out together all the time, synchronisations start to happen – moon cycles sync, group think happens etc.

It can be found on emotional levels too, such as what happens when you walk into a room full of people who are laughing and light-hearted and your mood magically lifts to match theirs.

This is all entrainment. The stronger frequency will always succeed, and will raise the vibration of the weaker frequency.

How this works in Reiki is that the practitioner opens their crown chakra and allows themselves to be a channel for pure, white light, universal life force energy – which is the stronger frequency. That energy then flows through the practitioner's body/aura/cells down their arms, and out through their hands where it flows into the client's body/aura/cells.

Depending on the client's receptivity and willingness to release blocked energy, the pure universal life force energy will replace/heal/remove their blocked energy – synchronising with the stronger frequency.

What you can expect in a session

It’s all about the overall healing experience – whether it be face to face or via distance healing, there will be soothing music, crystals are used to support the healing and Reiki energy is channelled through.

The energy healing is shared through your bioenergetic field – and it doesn’t matter whether it is felt in person through touch, or online via distance healing. There is no time and space in the energy world. Energy works with intention; where your awareness goes, your energy flows.

Once the body begins to receive the stronger vibrations, it will automatically encourage the body to start the healing process as the energy synchronises.


Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

Reiki helps to remove blocks within your energy to increase your flow and overall vibration. It’s a deeply relaxing and healing experience, leaving you feeling calm, happier and less stressed.

It has also shown significant benefits in activating your parasympathetic nervous system – which is responsible for your rest and digest – and it positively affects your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

Reiki has also been shown to reduce stress, fear, anxiety and physical pain/illnesses as well as calming and relaxing the body and mind. It supports deep rest, assists the body's natural healing process, releases negative emotions and improves focus & motivation.

After a session

I will share any intuitive messages and visions that came up through while reading your energy, which you can also choose not to receive. We can discuss how you felt during the session and if anything came up, you are in a safe space to discuss and allow any emotion to flow freely.

As an experienced coach, we can explore ways to continue shifting your vibration in certain areas of your life that bring more love, joy and happiness to your whole way of being.

Energy healings can take anywhere between 5-10 days for the full benefits to be felt and received. It’s always important to drink plenty of water and to listen to your body and what you might need after a session.

Book a Reiki Healing or Energy Clearing with Leanne

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